A pre-five curriculum is a framework of planned experiences that meet the developmental the experiences offered come from ‘Curriculum for Excellence. The curriculum is planned for children aged 3 – 18 and has been issued to every educational establishment in Scotland. The curriculum aims to promote 4 capacities: Successful Learners, Confident Individuals; Responsible Citizens and Effective Contributors. There are also 8 curricular areas for developing children's learning.
Babies and young children learn through their relationships with adults and peers and through having opportunities to participate in making discoveries by interacting and playing with others. The curriculum for Under Three's is guided and supported by Education Scotland 'Pre-birth to Three' document. The principles of this curriculum is centred around developing RELATIONSHIPS, RESPONSIVE CARE, RESPECT and RIGHTS OF THE CHILD (The 4 R' s).
Realising the Ambition: Being Me is the Scottish Early Years national practice guidance in Scotland and supports those who work with babies and children in the early learning and childcare sector and beyond into the early years of primary school. Based on research and evidence, it sets out the expectations and aims in relation to child development, and explores the range of Interactions, Experiences and Spaces that we need to provide for babies and young children to help them develop and learn.
Staff within the nursery care fully plan and support activities to develop each child's learning based on their individual needs. Glasgow City Council also have national and authority led priorities, which have to be accommodated within our curriculum.