Knightswood Early Years Centre

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Starting Nursery & Keyworker System

Key workers also have responsibility for the physical environment of the play area to ensure that is used effectively and that appropriate resources are available for the children.

Starting nursery is a big event for every child, to help support them into their new environment they will be allocated a key worker. The keyworker is responsible for a group of children. They are also responsible for building relationships with parents/carers. Over a period of time, the keyworker can build up a picture of each child’s skills and abilities, and can plan learning experiences for each child to develop these skills and abilities. They will work with you to discuss your child’s likes/dislikes, personal preferences etc.  This information is recorded in your child's personal plan. We will also ask you to fill out an “All about me” booklet. Both these documents will support your child's keyworker to plan appropriately for them.

Staff will create a learning journal for your child which will document their learning throughout their time in nursery. These journals move with your child as they transition into the next room. All staff and management work in a shift rotation which is very helpful for when your child moves into another room, as they will probably be familiar with all staff in the nursery already.

Room to room Transitions 

When the time comes for your child to move into an older age group/room, part of this process is for your child's keyworker to take your child through for short visits into their new room. These short visits last around two weeks dependant on how long it takes your child to settle. They will also complete a transition report which they will share with your child's new keyworker. You are welcomed to add any comments to this report. The staff will tell you when your child is due to start in their new room and also introduce you to the new keyworker and staff in that room. You will be kept informed of how these visits are going. 

This is an exciting time for your child and we want to make it as easy as possible.
Staff will work closely with parents/carers to support children within theses transitions.

When your child is in their pre school year, you should register them at your local primary school in November of the year before they are due to start. Nursery staff will support the children in preparing for school and work alongside families to help the children be prepared for their big move.

We will ensure that you are informed of any transitions before they happen, so that both you and your child can prepare for this time.