Knightswood Early Years Centre

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Visions, Values and Aims

Our Visions

  • Ensure that every person has the opportunity to be a successful learner, confident individual, responsible citizen and an effective contributor.
  • Communities are empowered and we will work with them to promote high expectations and aspirations.
  • Celebrate diversity and reduce inequalities.


Our Values

  • Put service users first and promote rights and responsibilities.
  • Embed trust, respect, wisdom, justice and integrity in all that we do
  • Actively work in collaboration and cooperation with all who provide services to people in Glasgow.


Our Aims

  • Independence, choice and opportunities for all.
  • Protect and support our most vulnerable children and families.
  • Continuously improve outcomes for all in relation to: learning, working, healthy, safe and vibrant.


Our Key Priorities

  • Raise attainment and achievement for all.
  • Develop further Curriculum for Excellence
  • Meet the needs of all learners, in particular those with additional support needs.
  • Develop further the Early Childhood and Extended Services strategy.
  • Improve our approaches to finance and resource management.
  • Work with partner services to improve further outcomes for children, young people and their families.